Call for New Works - ITG 2016

The International Trumpet Guild announces a call for submissions of new compositions for trumpet to be performed at the “New Works Recital” at the 2016 International Trumpet Guild Conference in Anaheim, California.

Read more: Call for New Works - ITG 2016

ITG2015 - Video Report

Check this new Video Report from the early days of the ITG Conference. It features clips of several performing groups throughout Tuesday and Wednesday!


ITG2015 - Video Report

Wednesday Conference Web Streaming Schedule

Conference web streaming starts at 11:15 today!

Live Web Streaming Tuesday evening and all day Wednesday!

Live Streaming Schedule for Wednesday, May 27th

11:15: Duo Brass - Craig Morris, Marc Reese, Peter Wood, Jason Carder

1:30: Nadje Noordhuis Jazz Recital

4:30: Yigal Meltzer Recital

7:30: Monarch Brass

9:30: Warren Vaché

Conference Coverage Page


Check out the Conference Coverage of the 2015 Conference in Columbus, Ohio. Starting Tuesday evening until Saturday evening May 26th-May30

As a part of the continuing Conference Coverage, ITG will publish many photos and reports of the events within 24 hours of the events happening. Please check the ITG Conference Coverage page often!

ITG 2015 Conference Coverage Page

2015 Conference news: Memorial concert

IN MEMORIAM is a phrase that has been repeated so many times this year. ITG’s 40th Anniversary Conference (Columbus Ohio, May 26-30) celebrates a Living Legacy. Much of that living legacy relies on the legacies left by those who have already passed. Not only will a number of artists dedicate some of their performances to individuals during concerts and recitals, a special In Memoriam session has been scheduled for 1:30pm, Friday May 29.

Read more: 2015 Conference news: Memorial concert

ITG Election Results

Vice President/President-elect – Cathy Leach
Secretary – John Irish
Directors (alphabetical order)
James Ackley
Eric Berlin
Zhonghui Dai
Kelly Parkes
James Thompson
Andrea Tofanelli
Marc Reese (2 years,  2015-2017 completes Cathy Leach’s term)

* Terms begin in October, 2015. Thanks to all who voted!

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