Kay's Tromba selected for 2021 ITG Solo Competition
As part of ITG's commitment to improving diversity in its programs, conferences, and initiatives, ITG has selected Ulysses Kay's Tromba as the required piece for the 2021 International Trumpet Guild Solo Competition.
Tromba was commissioned by Fred Irby III and written in 1983. The three movements of the work are: "Prologue," "Nocturne," and "Mobile." Tromba received its premier on May 24, 1986, at the Baird Auditorium of the Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., with Irby playing trumpet and Ronald Tymus playing piano. Tromba is published by Carl Fischer Music. It was recorded on John Holt's compact disc, Facets 3: New American Music for Trumpet which is available from Crystal Records.
Ulysses Simpson Kay (1917–1995) was an African American composer from a musical family. He was a nephew of the jazz trumpeter King Oliver, and began his studies as a jazz saxophonist. He earned a B.A. in music at the University of Arizona in 1938 and a M.A. from the Eastman School of Music in 1940. He also studied with Paul Hindemith at Yale University and had additional studies at Columbia University and the Berkshire Music Center.
From 1968–1988 he was Professor of Music at Lehman College of the City University of New York.
The ITG Solo Competition is held annually as part of the summer ITG Conference. For more information on the ITG Solo Competition, please visit ITG's Competitions page or contact Chair Jean Laurenz at [email protected]
The official ITG Competitions announcement will be coming very soon. Watch the ITG website for upcoming updates, including greatly enhanced prize awards for this year's competitions.