Call for Research Proposals
The 45th International Trumpet Guild Conference will be held in Columbus Ohio, May 26–30, 2020. The ITG Research Room Committee welcomes proposals for presentations of research at the Conference. The ITG Research Room offers a blind, peer-reviewed, international research forum for performers, professors, and students to present experimental, action, qualitative, or quantitative research and theories involving trumpet performance, repertoire, and/or pedagogy. Presentations are often developed from graduate or dissertation work, published material, or other new research.
All successful applicants will be invited to display an academic poster at the conference, and to be present to answer questions during designated poster session times. Four of the best submissions will also be selected and their researchers will be invited to give a 15-20 minute audio-visual presentation during the formal Research Room event. Successful proposal abstracts will be published in the Conference’s electronic program. All presenters will benefit from sharing their work with fellow ITG Members and generate exposure and connections that may lead to future collaboration, nationally or internationally.
Presenters selected for the Research Room presentation are encouraged to deliver handouts and summaries for the audience and will also receive a video recording of their presentation. Presentations and abstracts may also be published on the ITG Website for the benefit of ITG members.
Researchers should submit a 500-word abstract that outlines their work and presentation. Abstracts should be submitted electronically through the website and full details may be found on the submission form.
The deadline for Submission is December 1st.
Submissions will be reviewed by a panel of experts and accepted proposal authors will be notified in early 2020. The ITG Research Room offers no financial incentives and presenters are responsible for all conference registration and travel expenses.
Questions should directed via email to the ITG Research Room chair, Fred Sienkiewicz: [email protected]