Events Calendar

Curso Internacional De Musica Vila De L'Olleria
From Friday, April 28, 2017
To Sunday, April 30, 2017
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CIMVO 2017 - The International Music Course Vila de L'Olleria (CIMVO), which this year celebrates its 12th edition, is an academic and artistic event.The classes will be held in the facilities of the MID Dionisio Pedro Estarelles and SEM Santa Cecilia de L'Olleria.  The course schedule will include; Individual classes, collective, conferences, exhibitions and concerts. It is open to professional trumpeters, students in conservatories and students of music schools. Classes and lectures will focus on improving students' skills, improving performance, repertoire, music psychology and trumpet history. The XIII edition of CIMVO will be held from 28 to 30 April 2017. Performers/faculty invited for this occasion the Italian Marco Pierobon (Professor at the Conservatory of Bolzano and member of Gomalan Brass Quintet) and Franck Pulcini (Professor at the Conservatory of Bordeaux, founder of Epsilon Quartet and soloist with Orchestre de la Radio du Sud West Rundfunk Baden-Baden / Freiburg), who taught classes and lectures by the Artistic director of CIMVO and Chair Professor of Trumpet at the Conservatory of Murcia José Cháfer .The teachers will perform the concert on Saturday April 29 together with the SEM Santa Cecilia de L'Olleria at the Goya Theater. For more details, check the website at, or send an email to

Location The classes will be held in the facilities of the MID Dionisio Pedro Estarelles and SEM Santa Cecilia de L'Olleria.

Calendar updated by Dr. Albert Lilly.

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